Tuesday, February 18, 2014


The girl loves hats. She points out any person or book character wearing one, and I'm pretty sure she thinks she has to be wearing her stocking hat in order to even step foot outside the house. Our conversations always go something like:
Me: "You ready? Let's go! We're going to go for a ride in the car, okay?"
A: "Okay. (pause) Hat?"

Yesterday morning she found my hat collection in the closet, and when I lifted her up to inspect them, she chose this fedora. She ran around the bathroom in it for a solid 30 minutes, pausing every other step to look at it in the mirror.
Cuteness x infinity.


  1. OK, those pictures made me smile. Adorable!

  2. adders - hats are a girl-with-a-big-head's best friend. glad you found this out early.

    xo ;)
