Sunday, October 26, 2014

Big girl bed

Somebunny decided to leap out of her crib this afternoon (with a thud and a few "owie" tears); so with an unplanned scramble to grab a mattress and bedding, we broke open the boxes that have held the bed conversion pieces for her crib for a couple years and set her up.


She wasn't as much of a fan when bedtime actually rolled around. After one attempt to run away, we settled her in and she laid down on her own.

Not without a sad face, though. :(

Big girl!


I guess she got tired, part 2

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Patiently waiting for their chicken fingers

Okay, so EJ didn't actually get any, but she looked cute waiting anyway. :)

All wearing Royal today. Game 4 tonight!!


Monday, October 20, 2014


We were just commenting last night about how we keep hearing stories from other parents about their toddlers just falling asleep in random places. A has never been like that.
But a long, social weekend might have just brought it out in EJ. Maybe she'll be our snoozing-in-the-living-room kid. ;)

Happy Monday! Speaking of sleep, we're trying to stockpile ours, as the World Series games start tomorrow night. Royals Royals ROYALS!

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I was shredding a pile of papers and someone rolled over to join me. She grabbed a sheet of those pre-printed address stickers that some companies send in the mail, as I had set it aside 'cause it would jam the shredder.

Monday, October 13, 2014

One year later

Year one in our home, check! Like so many things in life, the time seems simultaneously to have passed fast and slow.

Last bath in the old house. I had already forgotten that we used to bathe her on the main floor.

Shopping for paint colors the first weekend. Oh my, the painting we had ahead of us.
She was excited to finally unearth a few toys once we the move was complete...and continually ran in circles around the open main floor for weeks.
Those jammies above? EJ wore them last night. Granted they were small on A in this photo and big on EJ last night...BUT STILL.

Can't believe it's been a year. So much work/love this house still needs, but I feel good about how much we have accomplished. And with the exception of the final weeks of the upstairs project when I was 15 months pregnant, we have enjoyed most of the work. ;)

- install of full organizational rack/hook/cabinet system in garage
- clearing out of all vines covering the fencing in the backyard, dead and dying landscaping from 3 unnecessary beds, removal of four cement lawn ornaments the previous owners left and two pallets of landscaping bricks
- complete upstairs remodel - all flooring, trim, paint, light fixtures, doors, hardware, ceilings, etc in three beds, two baths, hallway, and balcony 
- front door and patio makeover 
- mini back patio makeover 
- front landscaping full re-do, grading and re-seeding of backyard
- launch of the office makeover...gotta get on that one!

A great year. Here's to many more. :)


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Fall at the farmstead

We had not been to the children's farmstead since May, and when our child with super ears overheard us talking last night about *possibly* visiting this weekend (and repeated "see amnuls!" 974 times in 12 hours), we figured we better come through.

The farm was dressed up all purrty for fall and Halloween.

"Oh! Neat! Corn!"

"Spider! MAMA, SQUISH IT!"
Stunning fall weekend. Cheering on the Royals this afternoon!

Friday, October 10, 2014

We went out to lunch

Because it was a rainy day and, well, we just felt like it. :)

Halfway through our meal, A reached over, grabbed the pepper shaker, shook some on her macaroni, gently placed the shaker back in its holder, and continued eating. She just wanted a little spice, you know. No biggie. This occurred shortly after she set her fork down, grabbed a napkin, dabbed her mouth, and then picked her fork back up. Since when did our child become such a fancypants eater?! Mama was impressed.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Tiara dance party

Was just scrolling through my photos from the weekend and found this one, the only one I snapped during a recent living room dance party. This particular party included tiaras (the silver blur in her hand), which made it extra fancy. ;)

Saturday, October 4, 2014


It had been several months since the last clothes clean out/swap/unpack/repack, so we were due. This time, I had a helper. :)

Friday, October 3, 2014

Fire station

Just realized hat I haven't posted the photos from our fire station visit a week+ ago. To say A was excited about this activity would be the understatement of the century. She has exclaimed "fyer twuck!" for months whenever any type of larger-than-an-SUV truck drives by, and during our Minnesota road trip, after seeing her Freak.Out. over a toy fire truck that some friends had, we found a clearance truck at Target and made it ours. It came with firefighters and a fire doggie, which only increased her love affair with the whole fire men/station/truck thing.

One of the moms from our neighborhood play group organized this visit, and I'm so glad she did.

We arrived and sat in their loving room to watch an age-appropriate video. The cheif asked the kids a few basic questions afterwards, and I laughed when A started raising her hand for every question like all the other kids were doing. She had no idea why her hand was in the air, but darnit she was on board!

We toured their kitchen, bunk rooms, and offices, and then checked out the trucks.
She's looking left and right in the pics below, searching for the buckle. Girlfriend was ready to hunker down and ride along.
She also would NOT get down. I had EJ strapped to my chest and had to actually climb up into the truck to retrieve her, as she was causing a back up of kids behind her, waiting patiently for their turn in the seat.
She was very serious while we were there, too, and oddly confident. She was on a mission. :)

The ambulance had to leave while we were in the garage, and A "wooaahhhh"'d out loud when their lights turned on. It happened fast (between this first pic and the second), so everyone was surprised and quiet...except for my WOOAAHHHHing child. Everyone laughed. :)

Her cheese face.
Such a fabulous little outing! 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

More apple picking

I found a few more apple picking pics on N's phone last night.
Need to find a pumpkin patch! On the to do list this weekend.
