Wednesday, July 11, 2012

2 month check-up

Miss A had her two month check-up yesterday, shots and all.

At two weeks old she was 7 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches long.
Yesterday, at nine weeks, she was 10 lbs 13 oz and 24 inches long.

Her weight is very average, but her length is in the 95th percentile. A tall gal! It's so odd to think that her weight increased 50% in just seven weeks. Human bodies are amazing. And so is mother's milk, I suppose. :)

With the exception of a brief scream, the shots went over first. She took an early afternoon nap and woke up screaming and hot hot hot. That pain cry is so different than the irritated or hungry cry. Ugh, it's like a dagger.

A little Tylenol and a lotta snuggling and she was quickly feeling better. Broke her streak of sleeping 7-8 straight hours she'd held for several days and woke up three times during the night, but I suppose that is to be expected. She's sleepy today, but otherwise doing pretty well.

Two months! My oh my.

Next check-up is another two months from now, early September. Remind me to stock up on meds before that appointment. For baby and mama.

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