Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sitting room progress

Nothing like knocking out a room in one week. Today we finished our final painting, pulled up the plastic, and cleaned. Time for baseboards and trim, then we're done!

It was fun de-yellowing the room, piece by piece, with every coat of primer (including tinted primer for the top half of the walls, new for us). Several progress shots:
Decided the keep the ceiling medallion, as it is original to the house. Ugh was it annoying to paint, though.
Bye bye dull goldenrod.
The step stool, always an attraction.
After everything was primed, we worked from the top down, finishing the ceiling, then crown, then walls, then wainscoting, two coats each.
Once we cleaned up, trim started. We replaced all baseboards, window trim, and doorway trim.
Tomorrow N will finish the trim and we will patch all the nail holes, caulk, and do paint touch ups. Then installing the rest of the light fixture (he has the bracket up, just removed the fixture while we were painting) and furnishing.

I love the result of our upstairs project, but man, a contained space where we can cross off each to do quickly is so so nice. It actually makes the process, not just the result, enjoyable. ;)

1 comment:

  1. The room looks fabulous! Also love to see the little helpers that were caught in several pics.
