It's been cold cold cold the past few days, so we have been entertaining ourselves at home. Making blanket forts has become a favorite. And by forts I really mean just big piles of pillows and blankets. Once A abandons them, J quickly and happily takes over.
With a lot of her toys packed away, the easel she received for Christmas and a few decks of playing cards have seen a lot of action.
I also just realized that she has worn the same clothes two days in a row now. Not leaving the house = lazy clothing selections.
This morning, after some goofiness,
we inspected the upstairs. Something she can do now that a lot of the tools are cleaned up and exposed tack strips removed.
(That's the bathroom mirror leaning against the wall. Another little project still outstanding. Not surprisingly, N has plans to add chunky trim to it to turn it into something more substantial than a builder's grade mirror.)
Somebuddy seems to have a kind of depth perception issue with the lack of carpet, and refuses to step foot onto the plywood. When we're up there, she stands at the top carpeted stair step, leans to see us, and whines. See her?
A quick visit to the toy store this afternoon,
where she found a toy that...looks exactly like mama's phone. Ha. Figures. Pointing out every Disney character she was familiar with also kept her busy.
Not much else to update. Spackling and sanding of the trim nail holes continues. We've been a bit lazy with that. N is upstairs at the moment installing a few of the light fixtures. Besides the ceiling fans, it was getting a little annoying having to drag the big work light around if we wanted to work on something in the evenings. Also, more fixtures installed = less boxes in my dining room. Huzzah.
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