Thursday, January 30, 2014

Baff and little sister siting

The one aspect of not having her own functioning bathroom that I'm confident she doesn't mind; bathing in mommy and daddy's big tub.
(This wallpaper. *shudder* )
Long baffs in big baff tubs, a tired bunny make.

In other news, we snuck a peak at little sister yesterday during our 36 week ultrasound. She looks great, measuring very average in all areas. Average is a great thing during pregnancy. :) She's head down and moving a lot, and around 6 lbs so far, they estimate. The girl has a head of hair that actually might rival her sister's. Cannot WAIT to meet her.

This is getting more and more real. As much as I want her here tomorrow to hold and snuggle, there remains hours and hours of work to do. Writing projects, remodel to do's, quality time with A during her last few weeks as our only child. Trying to embrace it all. Trying not to stress. Trying to keep plugging away while also keeping both of us healthy.

Childless staycation weekend! Bring on the eating out and late night upstairs work sessions. We have miles and miles of trim to install, patch, and paint. Here we go... 

Last January

And now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find my tissues...

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Random stuff with exclamation points

Only 4 weeks left!

Car seat upgrade, finally! She was a little...confused.

Ottoman cartoon watching! The only way she'll do it, lately. Tray of wooden fruits and vegetables optional.

Girls lunch today! Super close ups courtesy of Auntie Jamie. Food for the belly. Food for the soul.

Ceiling fans!

Door header preview! I am continually impressed by my husband's design skills.

All tile ordered today. Full upstairs carpet order in today. Credit card bill wha?? Worth it.

More soon...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Such a diva

Story: Our contractor turned off the water for the first time last week when they started work on the shower fixtures upstairs. When he did so, he went around to a couple of the main floor faucets to turn them on and run the pipes clear. Later he walked up to me and was all, "Would you like me to try and tighten up that kitchen faucet so it doesn't leak all over? Or do you, uhh, like it that way?"

Peace out, old faucet.
Your hose leaked and your neck leaked and you were too small and you didn't swivel even though you should have. But did you really have to be such a drama queen and demand attention away from upstairs? That, I'm Gonna Turn My Tiny Leak Into A Big Gusher Leak move you pulled? That was sneaky, sir. Mighty sneaky.

We took advantage of our current discount at the bath and kitchen showroom via my cousin and, along with the toilets and sinks for upstairs, ordered a nice faucet that we plan to continue using even when we remodel the kitchen someday. It's a Delta Cassidy.

It arrived yesterday, and my cute plumber in residence jumped on the task.

Hello, new friend.
Mmm. You're looking mighty fine.
Welcome home. We don't want any drama outta you now, you hear?

Monday, January 27, 2014

Baseboard beginnings and a few personal notes

First of all, a note:

Dearest Ryan,
This weekend rocked progress-wise because of you. You're the best!!! We owe you. A LOT. Lots of lots.
Love love love,
N, A, & A


With the door frames all done (at least the vertical pieces) it was on to the next item on the Before Carpet Install list: baseboards. N designed a tall base, made of of two pieces - a 5.5 inch basic square piece with a ~1 inch moulding on top. The result is a hefty and lovely baseboard. I know I keep saying this about every step in this project, but adding base is another That Makes Such A Huge Difference item.

Now (not yet an After, so I guess you could call these pics During):
And just for kicks, here is the same shot as the one above, taken in mid November.
Can you see how much taller the new trim is? I wish the photo above could show the quality of the trim before. It was thin and dingy and beat up. It actually looks kinda nice, albeit dark, in that pic. Photography tricks, I tell you!

Anyway, more Now:
As usual, the photos do it no justice. It's sharp and substantial and classic. Love it.
The below pic shows the two pieces well. It's neat how, once installed, it immediately looks like one big piece.
Can't wait to see more of it go up!

In other news, bathroom light fixtures arrived today...the packages I had to rescue last minute from a lonely delivery in Brookside last week. Toilets, sinks, and new kitchen faucet also arrived today. Wohoo!
Cadet Pro. Hehee. Toilet names are funny. And as long as we're showing photos of the garage, say hello to Demo Debris Mountain.
Poor Cozy Coupe. Sooo dusty.
Miss A cried when I told her she couldn't get in it this afternoon because it was too dirty. :(

More contractor progress was made today in the baths.
New kitchen faucet install tonight, hopefully.
More baseboard progress tonight.
More vanity painting tonight, too (we decided the doors and drawers do in fact need a third coat).

Off the subject, but I have started actively gathering nursery decor and supplies. I think the realization has sunk in that I'm going to have perhaps only a matter of days to get things together, and the more I have done in advance the calmer and more enjoyable the process will be. I indulged in a couple brand new newborn outfits last week, ordered a piece of artwork last night, and Newborn sized diapers might have leapt into my Target cart today. I have notes, mental and electronic, about what might go where and what still needs to be purchased or organized or identified. Here's hoping the little lady is welcomed into a home and a room that feels as comfy and lovingly prepared as the one we brought her big sister into.

And finally, I have enjoyed this almost-daily diary of our project. Much more than I expected. I'm not sure if it's boring or too detailed from the readers point of view, but I know it will be something we as a family are glad we took the time to document. Oh, if we had a diary like this about the kitchen/bath remodel from our old house! It would have made fantastic reading for anyone wanting a guaranteed fretful nights sleep.

Typing these details out and documenting our steps somehow feels therapeutic. It surprises me how much I end up sharing, especially when I think I barely have anything to update and considering I do 100% of the publishing with my thumbs and iPhone Blogger app. 

Thanks for humoring me. And for reading.


Saturday, January 25, 2014

Our weekend

The past 36 hours in photos...

Look at me, I'm vertical! Thank God. (And I have stains on my shirt. Typical.)
Very cautiously and slowly vertical, but vertical nonetheless and capable of refilling sippy cups and fetching more crackers. You know, the important stuff. Score.

Brothers and partners in Let's Finally Get Some Of These Doors Framed Out crime.
 Fueled by coffee, of course.

Miss A inspects the final final final paint in her bathroom. She approved! PHEW.

With our venture into Trim Land, the air compressor and nail gun noise is picking up. Somebuddy isn't a fan, and can usually be found cowering in a corner of the kitchen.
And can I just say, the day we get some color besides oak and white in our kitchen will be a joyous one. #soboring

Rough-ins for the new shower fixtures and raised showerhead, done. Cement board, done. This guest bath is ready for tile. Wohoo!

Continual rearranging of A's furniture sometimes leaves the monitor in an odd place. This weekend...extreme close up.

The giant pile 'o tools in the balcony remains a favorite, albeit insanely closely supervised, playground. Just uploaded this photo and realized there's a staple gun right next to her leg. Such careful parenting!

Samples of carpet for the stairs. Another fun little playground. (Update on that later.)

Door trim goes in before baseboards, then the base can butt right up against it. Everything must be in before carpet. In the tiled areas, you have to have the door trim in but wait to do the baseboard until after the tile install. The tops of our door trim is going to be a bit larger and decorative, so that will wait until later, as it's obviously not required before any flooring goes in. The timing of makes your head spin.
Even with exposed nails and lack of a second coat of paint and caulk, just adding the trim makes such a visual difference. Especially door trim, as that empty space between the door jam and the drywall disappears (that you can still see on the still-trimless tops of the door frames). It immediately looks cleaner.

What will eventually be A's room, temporarily christened The Cutting Room.
They installed the (new, shiny ORB!) door hinges so that they can perfectly space the trim. It has to be offset just a smidge so that the hinge can move when the door opens without smacking into the trim. The new hardware, next to the creamy white trim and a couple of the wall colors (guest on left, hallway on right).
This is coming together nicely. Mama likey.

We forgot about the door frames on the outside of the main upstairs hallway - in the balcony areas right at the top of the stairs - when measuring for the trim. It's also getting new carpet, therefore, ack, we gotta get this trim done too!
So, we ran out, of course.
N's out picking up more this afternoon. This area will be a funny two-tone mix of original wood trim and new white trim, original unpainted walls and brand new carpet, for a while. But oh well. Foyer painting is on our tentative schedule for later in '14, so hopefully it won't be long.

The unorganizedness continues to baffle. 
(Hey, I think that's my wedding gown back there! Also, story: We ran out of diapers this morning, and as I was getting ready to run to the store, uncle R was all, "You have a ton of diapers stacked up in the office!" Ha. Diapers. Not to be confused with diaper *boxes* that are currently holding 95% of what A owns.)
Just keep breathing, Annie. Just keep breathing.

And keep cleaning up the still-organized kitchen. That seems to help.

Inching towards Done. Inching inching inching.