Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This morning

Just a little sleepy-eyed cartoon watching. Fuzzy blanket included.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Working on it

Not crawling yet, but she's working on it. In the mean time, she's scooting around on her belly, twisting and turning to get where she wants to go, picking up lint and dog hair as she travels across the hardwoods. :)

A birds eye view

Thursday, January 10, 2013


After dinner we give her a sippy cup of water. She happily plays with it for a long time. Sometimes it makes it to her mouth right side up. Sometimes not. Every ten seconds she drops it, then sits and stares at it in her lap like she's never seen it before. It's a cute process...fun to watch her absorb and learn "simple" things. :)

Breakfast-making supervisors

Two cuties, sitting up straight and making darn sure we scooped the coffee correctly and poured just the right amount of cereal this morning. :)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Her favorite toy of the week...Mama's old giant teddy bear. She reaches for it every time we walk into her room, and smiles at it whenever she gets to sit down face to face with him!