Hey hey Addy girl, you're growing! We had your (almost) two week check-up this morning and you still measure 21 inches long, but are now up to 7 lbs 6 ounces, only 1 ounce less than your birthweight. Considering last week's jaundice and feeding issues, this is a success.
You were born 7.7 on Monday, discharged from the hospital on Wednesday at 7.1, and by Thursday morning had dropped to 6.12. Yikes! Once we started pumping the formula into you, Friday morning you were 6.15 and Saturday morning back to 7.1. Mama finally started to be able to provide for you by Friday evening, so thankfully we only had to supplement with formula for those two days. Along with your little glowworm blanket we had to keep you on for 48 hours, it knocked your jaundice out of the park. Phew. You got reeeally skinny there for a while, little lady. Let's not do that again.
It still shocks me to think that you are SMALLER than you were when I was carrying you around in my belly. You have been in this world for 12 days now and you're still tinier than you were then! That's crazy. How did you fit in there? How did you get OUT of there? Wait, don't answer that.
A few pics from last Thursday and Friday (a week+ ago) and your glowworm-ness:
The "bili board" thingy had to be in direct contact with your back at all times, so it was a naked two days for you. We'd place it on your back with the cord coming down through your feet, stick the battery pack in our pockets, wrap you and everything else in a blanket, and carry you around.
The doctor joked that jaundice was like valium for babies in that it knocks them out. Nice for new parents, but not so great considering that the only way to get rid of your jaundice was for you to pee and poop it out. The only way to pee and poop was to eat. Did you have any interest in eating when you were passed out 24/7? Not in the least. A vicious circle. We practically had to torture you to get you to wake up and eat. Take off your blankets, place cold wash cloths on your feet or chest, blow in your face, jiggle you around. It was a test in patience, as we could wake you to take a couple sucks from the bottle but then you'd be out again. With strict orders from the doctor to get you to take down at least 1 ounce of formula every two to three hours, and you taking at least an hour of the slowest eating in the world to get down the 1 ounce, it was a looong couple days.
You were our skinny, glowing, meditating, monkey baby.
Once your jaundice started to clear a bit, around Friday afternoon, the difference in your alertness was shocking. And reassuring. And much to our excitement and relief, you started chugging those 1 ounce bottles in five minutes flat and asking for more. Thank heavens.
It seems like your glowworm couple days were at least a month ago, as we have experienced so much in the past week. Were they really just a little over a week ago? Sheesh.
More updates on the past week+ to come. Then I hope to be able to update with more 'real time' tidbits. :)